An tSraith Shóisearach / Junior Cycle

An tSraith Shóisearach / Junior Cycle

Eolas le haghaidh thuismitheoirí:

Dear First Year Parents/Guardians,

Here is some important information and FAQs regarding the New Junior Cycle course.

  1. How will my son/daughter be assessed at Junior Cycle?
  • Classroom-based assessment across the 3 years
  • Final externally-assessed, state-certified examination.

At the end of year 3, students will receive a new Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement (JCPA) which will replace the ‘Junior Certificate’.

The JCPA will report on a number of areas, including:

  1. Subjects (State Examination and Assessment Task)
  2. Classroom Based Assessments
  3. Other Learning Experiences

2. How many subjects will my son/daughter be completing?

  • Students will study a maximum of ten subjects for the JCPA.
  • Only ten subjects can be examined and reported on in the terminal exam.
  • English, Irish & Maths (Higher & Ordinary Level) / All other subjects are offered at common level only

New Grading System

  • Distinction 90 to 100%
  • Higher Merit 75 to 89%
  • Merit 55 to 74%
  • Achieved 40 to 54%
  • Partially Achieved 20 to 39%
  • (not graded) 0 to 19%

3. What do Classroom Based Assessments (CBAs) entail?

CBAs provide students with opportunities to demonstrate their learning and skills in ways not possible in a pen and paper examination.

  • CBAs will be undertaken during a defined time period within normal class contact time and to a national timetable.
  • Students will complete one CBA in second year and one in third year in most subjects.

Students in third year will complete a written Assessment Task on what they have learned. It will be sent to the State Examinations Commission (SEC) for marking. This Assessment Task will account for 10% of the overall mark for the final examination.

4. What are ‘Other Learning Experiences’?

Students will have the opportunity to engage with a range of other learning experiences which can be recorded on the Junior Cycle Profile of Achievement.

This could include extracurricular activities;

  • Membership of the student council or school club
  • Participation in school sporting activities/musical
  • Volunteering/Competitions

Imeachtaí is déanaí
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Nuacht is Déanaí
Eolas anseo faoi na bréagscrúduithe atá ar siúl faoi láthair.
An nuacht is deanaí ó Gaelcholaiste na Mara. Eolas maidir leis an Idirbhliain, imeachtaí ginearálta agus spórt. Bhí mí an-ghnóthach i nGaelcholáiste na Mara mar is iondúil. Seo sampla beag den saol sa scoil.
Cruinnithe DTM Bliain 5 2025 - PT Meetings Bliain 5 2025
An nuacht is deanaí ó Gaelcholaiste na Mara. Eolas maidir leis an Idirbhliain, imeachtaí ginearálta agus spórt. Bhí mí an-ghnóthach i nGaelcholáiste na Mara mar is iondúil. Seo sampla beag den saol sa scoil.
Déan teagmháil linn
Teagmháil / Contact
Páirc na bPiarsach,
An t-Inbhear Mór,
Co. Chill Mhantáin

0402 91764

Kildare and Wicklow Education and Training Board
Green School
Suíomh na Scoile / Location
© 2025 Gaelcholáiste na Mara