Clárú / Enrolment
Is féidir clárú do mhac nó iníon don bhliain seo chugainn tríd an bhfoirm thíos a chomhlíonadh.
Please complete the form below to register your child for the following school year.
Sonraí Pearsanta / Applicant details
Bliain / Year
Ainm / First name
Sloinne / Surname
Dáta Breithe / DOB
Gnéas / Gender
Náisiúnacht / Nationality
Carta leighis / Medical card
Seoladh Buan / Address
Bunscoil / Primary
Eile / Other
Mhúinteoir bunscoile / Teachers name
Rang / Class
Aon eolas breise / Any other Information
Mar shampla scileanna áirithe, michumas foghlama srl
For example particular skills, learning disability etc
Eolas Breise / Other Information